Ätherische Öle Nachschlagewerk (Desk Reference) - 6. Ausgabe - 2. Auflage

118.00 €
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A comprehensive work on the use and effects of essential oils and detailed descriptions of all individual oils, oil blends and other Young Living products.

A MUST for anyone who works with Young Living products.

The German translation of the 6th edition of the essential oil reference book is your comprehensive guide to the many properties and possibilities of pure essential oils. The compilation is based on the factual findings of scientific research and offers a clear, comprehensive guide to the use of essential oils. Thanks to the spiral binding, the pages can be opened completely and laid flat, making the transition from reading to using the oils easier. The colour coding of the six main sections makes the Essential Oils Desk Reference easy to use.

Below is a brief overview of each section:

Section 1: Introduction

- A brief history of essential oils and their place in modern medicine

- A breakdown of the chemistry of essential oils and their effects

- How to use essential oils safely

Section 2: Products

- Individual essential oils and their application codes

- Essential oil blends and their application codes

- Nutritional references and supplements

- Ningxia

- Hormones and personal body care

- Essential oils and nutrition for children

- Using essential oils in the home

- Animal care with essential oils

Section 3: Application

- Neuro-Auricular Technique

- Lymphatic pump

- Vita Flex Technique

- Raindrop Technique

Section 4: Special Topics

- Mental and emotional rejuvenation and support

- Ageing

- Detoxification and nutrition

- Enzymes, minerals and water

- Antioxidants

- Microbes

Section 5: Personal use

- Getting started with essential oils

- Quick guide to use

- Take your health into your own hands

Section 6: Appendix

Additional product information

D. Gary Young
6. Edition
Year of issue
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